Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A victorian-era commission :)


Cassie said...

NICE! How far did you stray from a design from references? I'm interested in knowing if you made any changes and why.

Maz Adams said...

You are a pimp of pimps. It's been an honor watching your art mature, You are sooo talented. Keep up the great work buddy!


Guillermo Biasini said...

Really good!

Sarah Harkey said...

Thanks guys!

Cassie: I actually strayed a loooooot, lol. This was my reference for what a victorian gown looks like (the brown dress):
I wanted buttons up the back, because I've always loved that look. I though soft pinks would look nice for a victorian era piece, and I think trains on dresses are the bees knees. I guess I don't think too much about the reasons for my changes... I just do what I think "looks good", lol :)

Thomas F. Dougherty said...

You have wonderfully captured the feel of a true Victorian age woman. Very nice!